BAUER, Bruno

BAUER, Bruno
   German theologian and historian. Originally a conservative HEGELIAN he adopted a position even more extreme than that of D. F. STRAUSS in 1839 and attributed the Gospel story to the imagination of the CHRISTIAN community. In 1842 he was deprived of his teaching post. The guiding principle of his many writings was a BELIEF that the origins of Christianity were to be found in Greco-Roman PHILOSOPHY.

Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.

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  • BAUER, BRUNO° — (1809–1882), German Protestant theologian, philosopher, and historian. He became influenced by the philosophy of Hegel while a student in Berlin, and because of radical criticism of the New Testament expressed in numerous works, was dismissed… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Bauer, Bruno — ► (1809 82) Filósofo y crítico alemán. Abrazó el criticismo abstracto. Dejó importantes obras, como la Crítica de la historia evangélica de los sinópticos (1841 42) …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • BAUER, BRUNO —    a daring Biblical critic, and violent polemic on political as well as theological subjects; born at Saxe Altenburg; regarded the Christian religion as overlaid and obscured by accretions foreign to it; denied the historical truth of the… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Bruno Bauer — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Bruno Bauer Bruno Bauer (Eisenberg, Sajonia Altenburgo, 6 de septiembre de 1809 Rixdorf, Berlín, 13 de abril de 1882) fue un filósofo y teólogo alemán …   Wikipedia Español

  • BAUER (B.) — BAUER BRUNO (1809 1882) Philosophe hégélien, historien, exégète critique des textes bibliques et des Évangiles, Bruno Bauer est né à Eisenberg en 1809. Il mourra à Rixdorf (Berlin) en 1882. Traditionnellement rangé dans la droite hégélienne, par… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Bauer [3] — Bauer, Bruno, Philosoph und Bibelkritiker, geb. 6. Sept. 1809 zu Eisenberg (S. Altenburg), 1834 Privatdozent der Theologie zu Berlin, 1839 zu Bonn, zuerst kirchl. orthodoxer Hegelianer, dann negativ kritisch (Junghegelianer), 1842 als allzu… …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Bauer [4] — Bauer, Bruno, geb. 1809 zu Eisenberg in Sachsen Altenburg, studirte zu Berlin, wurde 1834 Licentiat der Theologie. Anfangs gemäßigter Hegelianer trat er bald auf die äußerste Linke, besonders in seiner »Kritik des Evangeliums Johannis« 1836–38… …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • Bauer — (Bruno) (1809 1882) philosophe allemand, chef de file des jeunes hégéliens (V. Hegel) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Bruno Bauer (Philosoph) — Porträt Bruno Bauers Ehrengrab von Bruno Bauer …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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