millenarian movements — Милленаристские движения … Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов
social movements — An organized effort by a significant number of people to change (or resist change in) some major aspect or aspects of society. The term was first used by Saint Simon in France at the turn of the eighteenth century, to characterize the movements… … Dictionary of sociology
Neo-völkisch movements — Neo völkisch movements, as defined by the historian Nicholas Goodrick Clarke, cover a wide variety of mutually influencing groups of a radically ethnocentric character which have emerged, especially in the English speaking world, since World War… … Wikipedia
List of new religious movements — A new religious movement is a religious community or ethical, spiritual, or philosophical group of modern origin, which has a peripheral place within the dominant religious culture. NRMs may be novel in origin or they may be part of a wider… … Wikipedia
Sociological classifications of religious movements — The information in this article was originally developed for a sociology textbook on Wikibooks: The Church Sect Typology. Sociologists have proposed various classifications of religious movements. The most widely used classification in the… … Wikipedia
Christian movements — are theological, political, or philosophical interpretations of Christianity that are not generally represented by a specific church, sect, or denomination. Religious * The House Church or Simple Church movement is a worldwide shift of Christian… … Wikipedia
eschatology — eschatological /es keuh tl oj i keuhl, e skat l /, adj. eschatologically, adv. eschatologist, n. /es keuh tol euh jee/, n. Theol. 1. any system of doctrines concerning last, or final, matters, as death, the Judgment, the future state, etc. 2. the … Universalium
millennialism — millennialist, n. /mi len ee euh liz euhm/, n. a belief in the millennium. Also called millenarianism /mil euh nair ee euh niz euhm/. [1905 10; MILLENNIAL + ISM] * * * or millenarianism Belief in the millennium of Christian prophecy (Revelation… … Universalium
Michael Adas — (February 4, 1943) is an American historian and currently the Abraham E. Voorhees Professor of History at Rutgers University. He specializes in the history of technology, the history of anticolonialism and in global history. Contents 1 Background … Wikipedia
New Religious Movement — Introduction the generally accepted term for what is sometimes called, often with pejorative connotations, a “cult.” The term New Religious Movement has been applied to all new faiths that have arisen worldwide over the past several… … Universalium