Mill,John Stuart — Mill, John Stuart. 1806 1873. British philosopher and economist known especially for his interpretations of empiricism and utilitarianism. His many works include A System of Logic (1843), Principles of Political Economy (1848), and The Subjection … Universalium
Mill, John Stuart — (1806–1873) The preeminent intellectual of Victorian Britain and the central philosopher of nineteenth century liberalism. Brought up according to the educational theories of his father James Mill, a follower of Jeremy Bentham, and also a… … Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 1800–1914
Mill, John Stuart — (1806–1873) English philosopher and economist, and the most influential liberal thinker of the 19th century. As the son of James Mill, John Stuart was given an intensive private education, in which he began Greek at the age of three, and Latin… … Philosophy dictionary
Mill, John Stuart — born May 20, 1806, London, Eng. died May 8, 1873, Avignon, France British philosopher and economist, the leading expositor of utilitarianism. He was educated exclusively and exhaustively by his father, James Mill. By age 8 he had read in the… … Universalium
Mill, John Stuart — (1806 1873) Philosopher, s. of the above, b. in London, was ed. by his f. with the view of making him the successor of Bentham and himself, as the exponent of the Utilitarian philosophy. In all respects he proved an apt pupil, and by his 15th… … Short biographical dictionary of English literature
Mill, John Stuart: Ethics and politics — J.S.Mill Ethics and politics R.F.Khan ON LIBERTY John Stuart Mill’s mature views on ethics and politics are to be found in On Liberty (published in 1859), Utilitarianism (1861), Considerations on Representative Government (1861) and The… … History of philosophy
Mill, John Stuart: Logic and metaphysics — J.S.Mill Logic and metaphysics John Skorupski ENLIGHTENMENT AND ROMANTICISM IN MILL’S PHILOSOPHY Mill’s importance as one of the major figures of nineteenth century politics and culture, and the current interest in him as a moral and political… … History of philosophy
Mill, John Stuart — ► (1806 73) Economista y filósofo británico. De 1865 a 1868 fue miembro de la Cámara de los Comunes donde, en concordancia con su ideal liberal, exigió la intervención del Estado en bien de la clase obrera y por la igualdad de los derechos de la… … Enciclopedia Universal
Mill, John Stuart — (1806 73) An English philosopher, proponent of liberalism and utilitarianism , and social reformer, who attempted to provide ‘a general science of man in society’ in his A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Deductive (1843). Ronald Fletcher (The… … Dictionary of sociology
MILL, JOHN STUART — logician and economist, born in London, son of the preceding; was educated pedantically by his father; began to learn Greek at 3, could read it and Latin at 14, never was a boy, he says, and was debarred from all imaginative literature, so… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia