- an Indian epic which is important in HINDU mythology. It is the "Great Story" which records the HISTORY of the descendants of Bhrata. The epic is about 100,000 verses long and includes numerous sub-sections. The main story is clearly older than the historic text which was compiled sometime between 400 B.C. and 400 A.D. There is no scholarly consensus as to whether the epic is based on historical events, or purely artistic invention. The central theme develops from the MYTHS of VISHNU'S AVATRS. The Goddess Earth is oppressed by DEMONS and over-population and in danger of being submerged in the ocean. To relieve her, the GODS take human FORM and descend to earth headed by Vishnu who is born as KRISHNA and who declares the THEOLOGY of the epic in the BHAGAVAD-GTA . The story then focuses on the HISTORY of the dynasty and its response to crisis over four generations.
Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.