literally translated "The Song of the Lord." Probably the most popular book of HINDU SCRIPTURE in the West. In context it forms part of the great Indian EPIC, the MAHBHRATA, which can be dated somewhere between 200 B.C. and 200 A.D. For many modern Hindus it represents the ESSENCE of their religion with its message that there are many ways to SALVATION. It consists of a long dialogue between the hero ARJUNA and his chariot-driver who, unknown to Arjuna, is really the Lord KRISHNA in human form. On the eve of the battle of Kuruksetra, Arjuna has scruples about the prospect of killing his fellow men, some of whom are his kinsmen, but he is told by Krishna that he must perform his duty in a disinterested way appropriate to his CASTE as a warrior. The BUDDHIST scholar Edward CONZE, and others, have argued that the DEVOTIONAL tone of the Gta reflects the influence of CHRISTIANITY and that it was probably written to counter Christian teachings.

Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.

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