
  • 1The Bridge World — (TBW), the oldest continuously published magazine about contract bridge, was founded in 1929 by Ely Culbertson. It has since been regarded as the game s principal journal, publicizing technical advances in bidding and the play of the cards,… …


  • 2The Unexpected World — Infobox Album Name = The Unexpected World Type = studio Artist = Tomorrow s Eve Released = 2000 Recorded = 1999 Genre = Progressive metal Length = 47:09 Label = B.Mind Records Producer = Reviews = Last album = This album = The Unexpected World… …


  • 3The Lower Elements — is a fictional underground universe within the Artemis Fowl world. The term refers to all areas underground that the humans (referred to as Mud Men by the fairies) in general do not know about. The Lower Elements are where most, if not all,… …


  • 4lower world — n. 1. NETHERWORLD 2. the earth …

    English World dictionary

  • 5lower world — /loh euhr/ 1. Class. Myth, the regions of the dead, conceived of as lying beneath the surface of the earth; Hades; the underworld. 2. the earth, as distinguished from the heavenly bodies or from heaven. [1585 95] * * * lower world, 1. the abode… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 6Clothing in the ancient world — The clothing of men and women and seveal social levels of Ancient Egypt are depicted in this tomb mural from the 15th century BC The clothing used in the ancient world strongly reflects the technologies that these peoples mastered. Archaeology… …


  • 7Economic history of Greece and the Greek world — The economic history of the Greek World spans several millennia and encompasses many modern day nation states. Since the focal point of the center of the Greek World often changed it is necessary to enlarge upon all these areas as relevant to the …


  • 8Pacific Movement of the Eastern World — The Pacific Movement of the Eastern World (PMEW) was a 1930s North American based pro Japanese movement of African Americans which promoted the idea that Japan was the champion of all non white peoples. The Japanese ultra nationalist Black Dragon …


  • 9Moral status of animals in the ancient world — The 21st century debates about animal welfare and animal rights can be traced back to the ancient world. The idea that the use of animals by humans for food, clothing, entertainment, and as research subjects is morally acceptable, springs mainly… …


  • 10Great libraries of the ancient world — The great libraries of the ancient world served as archives for empires, sanctuaries for sacred writings, and depositories of literature and chronicles.* The libraries of Ugarit (in modern Syria), c. 1200 BC, include diplomatic archives, literary …
