- the capital SIN in Greek thought of self-assertion which was bound to arouse the anger of the GODS.
Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.
Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.
Hubris — ( /ˈhjuːb … Wikipedia
Hubris I & II — Hubris I II Hubris I II est le premier album solo d Andreas Kisser, guitariste de Sepultura depuis 1987. Cet album est sorti en France le 29 mai 2009 sous le label Mascot Records. L oeuvre est présentée sous la forme de 2 CDs, l un étant… … Wikipédia en Français
Hubris I & II — est le premier album solo d Andreas Kisser, guitariste de Sepultura depuis 1987. Cet album est sorti en France le 29 mai 2009 sous le label Mascot Records. L œuvre est présentée sous la forme de 2 CD, l un étant principalement enregistré avec des … Wikipédia en Français
húbris — s. f. 2 núm. Orgulho excessivo. = ARROGÂNCIA, INSOLÊNCIA, SOBERBA ≠ HUMILDADE, SUBMISSÃO ‣ Etimologia: grego húbris, eos, excesso, ardor excessivo, impetuosidade, violência, ultraje … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
hubris — index pride Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
hubris — ● hubris nom féminin (motgrec) Chez les Grecs, tout ce qui, dans la conduite de l homme, est considéré par les dieux comme démesure, orgueil, et devant appeler leur vengeance … Encyclopédie Universelle
hubris — also hybris, 1884, a back formation from hubristic or else from Gk. hybris wanton violence, insolence, outrage, originally presumption toward the gods; the first element probably PIE *ud up, out, but the meaning of the second is debated … Etymology dictionary
hubris — [n] arrogance airs, audacity, brass*, cheek*, chutzpah*, cockiness, conceitedness, contemptuousness, disdain, insolence, loftiness, nerve, ostentation, overbearance, pomposity, pompousness, presumption, pretension, pretentiousness, self… … New thesaurus
hubris — ► NOUN ▪ excessive pride or self confidence. DERIVATIVES hubristic adjective. ORIGIN Greek, originally denoting presumption towards or defiance of the gods, leading to nemesis … English terms dictionary
hubris — [hyo͞o′bris; ] also [ ho͞o′bris] n. [Gr hybris < IE base ud , up (> OUT) + * gwerī , heavy: basic sense prob. “to rush at impetuously”] wanton insolence or arrogance resulting from excessive pride or from passion hubristic adj … English World dictionary
hubris — hubristic, adj. /hyooh bris, hooh /, n. excessive pride or self confidence; arrogance. Also, hybris. Cf. sophrosyne. [1880 85; < Gk hýbris insolence] * * * Greek hybris in Classical Athenian usage, the intentional use of violence to… … Universalium