HOBBES, Thomas

HOBBES, Thomas
   English philosopher and author of the Leviathan (1651), a work dedicated to both political theory and the interpretation of SCRIPTURE. For practical purposes he developed a doctrine of mechanistic MATERIALISM and defended the theory of social contract as a basis for political obligation. Although a monarchist, he rejected DIVINE RIGHT doctrines of the State. Often described as a DEIST, he considered himself a CHRISTIAN and wrote at length about GOD'S PROVIDENTIAL care for humans.

Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.

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  • Hobbes, Thomas — born April 5, 1588, Westport, Wiltshire, Eng. died Dec. 4, 1679, Hardwick Hall, Derbyshire English philosopher and political theorist. The son of a vicar who abandoned his family, Hobbes was raised by his uncle. After graduating from the… …   Universalium

  • Hobbes,Thomas — Hobbes (hŏbz), Thomas. 1588 1679. English philosopher and political theorist best known for his book Leviathan (1651), in which he argues that the only way to secure civil society is through universal submission to the absolute authority of a… …   Universalium

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  • Hobbes, Thomas — (1588–1679)    Philosopher.    Hobbes was educated at the University of Oxford, England, and acted as tutor to the Cavendish family.    He spent the years 1640–51 in exile in France where he was the tutor of Charles, Prince of Wales, son of the… …   Who’s Who in Christianity

  • Hobbes, Thomas — (1588 1679)    Hobbes traced his life long fear of disorder to his premature birth when his mother heard of the advance of the Spanish Armada. This fear of disorder exhibits itself not only in the subject matter of Hobbes s books, in particular… …   Christian Philosophy

  • Hobbes, Thomas — (1588 1679) An English philosopher and social theorist of the Enlightenment. Hobbes s most influential writings in political philosophy span the period of the English Civil War, and are widely interpreted as an intellectual response to the… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • Hobbes, Thomas — ► (1588 1679) Filósofo inglés, discípulo de Bacon. En su segundo viaje al continente (1629 1631) conoció los Elementos de Euclides, que le llenaron de entusiasmo y fijaron la orientación matematizante de su pensamiento. En su tercer viaje,… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Hobbes, Thomas — See Seventeenth century materialism …   History of philosophy

  • HOBBES, THOMAS —    an English philosopher, psychologist, and moralist, born at Malmesbury; was educated at Oxford; connected all his days with the Cavendish family, with members of which he travelled on the Continent, and was on friendly terms with Charles II.,… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Hobbes, Thomas —  (1588–1679) English philosopher …   Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors

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