a series of REVIVALS in the American colonies between 1725 and 1760. They reached a peak in 1726 but fresh conversions and excitement occurred in New England in 1734-1735 through the preaching of Jonathan EDWARDS. The English EVANGELIST George WHITEFIELD linked these regional awakenings into a "Great Awakening" through his itinerant preaching tours. The established Clergy soon criticized the revivalists' preaching and practices and Edwards became their vigorous defender. In his book Some Thoughts Concerning the Present Revival (1743), and later work A Treatise on Religious Affections (1746), he distinguishes between the beneficial and detrimental effects of revivals. New England defenders of the Great Awakening were known as the "New Lights" while those who opposed it were known as "Old Lights." The movement made a great contribution to education and led to the founding of Princeton University, the University of Pennsylvania, Rutgers, Brown, and Dartmouth Colleges. Equally important was the mood of tolerance that led to ECUMENICAL ventures among Clergy supporting the movement.

Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.

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