GIBBON, Edward

GIBBON, Edward
   English HISTORIAN famed for his book The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1776-1781). A youthful CONVERT to ROMAN CATHOLICISM he rejected CHRISTIANITY and presented a hostile interpretation of the rise of the CHRISTIAN CHURCH in his classic work.

Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.

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  • Gibbon, Edward — born May 8, 1737, Putney, Surrey, Eng. died Jan. 16, 1794, London British historian. Educated at the University of Oxford and in Switzerland, Gibbon wrote his early works in French. In London he became a member of Samuel Johnson s brilliant… …   Universalium

  • Gibbon, Edward — (1735–94)    Historian.    Gibbon was born in Putney, near London, and was educated at the University of Oxford. For a short time he became a Roman Catholic, but by 1754 he had returned to Protestantism. Of private means, he dedicated himself to… …   Who’s Who in Christianity

  • Gibbon, Edward — ► (1737 94) Historiador británico. Autor de Historia de la decadencia y caída del Imperio romano. * * * (8 may. 1737, Putney, Surrey, Inglaterra–16 ene. 1794, Londres). Historiador británico. Educado en la Universidad de Oxford y en Suiza, Gibbon …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Gibbon,Edward — Gib·bon (gĭbʹən), Edward. 1737 1794. British historian who wrote the classic text The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1776 1788). * * * …   Universalium

  • Gibbon, Edward — (1737 1794)    Historian, was b. at Putney of an ancient Kentish family. His f. was Edward G., and his mother Judith Porten. He was the only one of a family of seven who survived infancy, and was himself a delicate child with a precocious love of …   Short biographical dictionary of English literature

  • GIBBON, EDWARD —    eminent historian, born at Putney, near London, of good parentage; his early education was greatly hindered by a nervous complaint, which, however, disappeared by the time he was 14; a wide course of desultory reading had, in a measure,… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Gibbon, Edward —  (1737–1794) Not Gibbons. English historian …   Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors

  • Gibbon — Gibbon, Edward …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Edward Gibbon — Retrato de Edward Gibbon, por Henry Walton Nacimiento 8 de mayo, 1737 Putney …   Wikipedia Español

  • GIBBON (E.) — GIBBON EDWARD (1737 1794) Issu d’une famille aisée, Edward Gibbon perd sa mère en 1747 et est confié aux soins d’une tante qui se charge de son éducation. Sa jeunesse, maladive, difficile, est tout entière consacrée à la lecture, et sa vocation… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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