- the theory developed by French theologians in the fourteenth century and popular until at least the late nineteenth century that the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH ought to be free from PAPAL AUTHORITY.
Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.
Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.
Gallicanism — • This term is used to designate a certain group of religious opinions for some time peculiar to the Church of France, or Gallican Church, and the theological schools of that country Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Gallicanism … Catholic encyclopedia
Gallicanism — is the belief that popular civil authority mdash;often represented by the monarchs authority or the State s authority mdash;over the Catholic Church is comparable to that of the Roman Pope s. Gallicanism is a rejection of Ultramontanism; it is… … Wikipedia
Gallicanism — Gallicanism was a combination of political positions and theological doctrines supporting the relative independence of the French Roman Catholic Church and the French government in their relations with the papacy. Three distinct, but closely… … France. A reference guide from Renaissance to the Present
Gallicanism — Gal li*can*ism, n. The principles, tendencies, or action of those, within the Roman Catholic Church in France, who (esp. in 1682) sought to restrict the papal authority in that country and increase the power of the national church. Schaff Herzog… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gallicanism — [gal′i kəniz΄əm] n. the principles enunciated by the French Roman Catholic Church in 1682, claiming limited autonomy: opposed to ULTRAMONTANISM … English World dictionary
Gallicanism — /gal i keuh niz euhm/, n. the movement or body of doctrines, chiefly associated with the Gallican church, advocating the restriction of papal authority in certain matters. Cf. ultramontanism. [1855 60; < F Gallicanisme. See GALLICAN, ISM] * * *… … Universalium
Gallicanism — A set of beliefs and practices in the French Catholic Church that conceived the church in France as an autonomous, self governing branch of the universal church. It acknowledged the nominal supremacy of the popes but rejected papal… … Historical Dictionary of Renaissance
Gallicanism — This word (from Gallia, the Latin place name for France) refers to the theological position and political movement that resisted papal authority in France. Gallicanism, expressed succinctly in the Four Gallican Articles of 1682, was rejected… … Glossary of theological terms
Gallicanism — noun Date: 1805 a movement originating in France and advocating administrative independence from papal control for the Roman Catholic Church in each nation … New Collegiate Dictionary
GALLICANISM — the name given to the contention of the GALLICAN CHURCH (q.v.) … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia