- GALEN Claudius
- (130-200)Greek physician and author whose works, especially on medicine, deeply influenced both CHRISTIAN and ISLAMIC thought.
Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.
Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.
Claudius Galen — Galenos, lithographisches Portrait der Neuzeit Galenos von Pergamon (dt. Galēn, lat. Clarissimus Galenus, in frühneuzeitlichen Drucken auch Galienus; * um 129 n. Chr. in Pergamon; † um 216 n. Chr. in Rom) war griechischer Arzt und Anatom.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Claudius Galenus — Galenos, lithographisches Portrait der Neuzeit Galenos von Pergamon (dt. Galēn, lat. Clarissimus Galenus, in frühneuzeitlichen Drucken auch Galienus; * um 129 n. Chr. in Pergamon; † um 216 n. Chr. in Rom) war griechischer Arzt und Anatom.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Galen von Pergamon — Galenos, lithographisches Portrait der Neuzeit Galenos von Pergamon (dt. Galēn, lat. Clarissimus Galenus, in frühneuzeitlichen Drucken auch Galienus; * um 129 n. Chr. in Pergamon; † um 216 n. Chr. in Rom) war griechischer Arzt und Anatom.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
GALEN (Galenus), CLAUDIUS° — (131–c. 201 C.E.), prominent physician in antiquity and author of important philosophical works. Galen was born in Pergamum (Asia Minor) and died in Rome. Medieval Hebrew authors and translators regarded Galen as the greatest physician (gedol ha… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Galen — m English: from the name of the Graeco Roman medical writer Claudius Galēnus (AD ?130–?200). His name appears to represent a Latinized form of a Greek name derived from galēnē calm … First names dictionary
Galen — [gā′lən] (L. name Claudius Galenus) A.D. 130? 200?; Gr. physician & writer on medicine & philosophy Galenic [gə len′ik] adj. Galenical … English World dictionary
Galen, Galenius, Galenos — Claudius, Greek physician and medical scientist in Rome, c. 130–201 A.D. See G. anastomosis, G. nerve, veins of G., under vein, great vein of G … Medical dictionary
Galen — Claude Galien . Lithograph by Pierre Roche Vigneron. (Paris: Lith de Gregoire et Deneux, ca. 1865) Aelius Galenus or Claudius Galenus (September AD 129 – 199/217; Greek: Γαληνός, Galēnos, from adjective γαληνός , calm [1]), better known as Galen… … Wikipedia
Claudius (gens) — The gens Claudia was one of the oldest families in ancient Rome, and for centuries its members were regularly leaders of the city and empire.The family was traditionally held to have begun with Attius Clausus , a Sabine who favored peace with… … Wikipedia
Claudius (Rom) — Die Claudier (lateinisch Claudii oder gens Claudia) waren eine der ältesten römischen Patrizierfamilien (gentes maiores). Kaiser Claudius Jahrhundertelang waren ihre Mitglieder in der Stadt und im Reich an führenden Stellen tätig, seit dem 4.… … Deutsch Wikipedia