(6th century B.C.)
   Biblical PROPHET and author of the Book of Ezekiel in the HEBREW BIBLE. His work is noted for its VISION of GOD and positive interpretation of the BABYLONIAN EXILE of the JEWISH people in terms of the SOVEREIGNTY of GOD.

Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.

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  • EZEKIEL — EZEKIEL, a major prophet who is said to have begun prophesying in the fifth year of Jehoiachin s exile in Babylonia, seven years before the final fall of Jerusalem; his prophecies are recorded in the book that bears his name. The name Ezekiel… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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  • Ezekiel — • Son of Buzi, and was one of the priests who, in the year 598 B.C., had been deported together with Joachim as prisoners from Jerusalem (IV Kings, xxiv, 12 16; cf. Ezek. xxxiii, 21, xl, 1) Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Ezekiel      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Ezekiel — m Biblical: name (meaning ‘God strengthens’ in Hebrew) borne by one of the major prophets. The book of the Bible that bears his name is probably best known for its vision of a field of dry bones, which Ezekiel prophesies will live again (chapter… …   First names dictionary

  • Ezekiel — (spr. isīkjĕl), Moses Jakob, nordamerikan. Bildhauer, geb. 28. Okt. 1844 in Richmond (Virginia), machte den Krieg in den Reihen der Südstaaten mit, nach dessen Beendigung er beschloß, Bildhauer zu werden, ging 1869 nach Europa, wurde Schüler der… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Ezekiel —   [ɪ ziːkjəl], Nissim, indischer Schriftsteller, Literatur und Kunstkritiker englischer Sprache, * Bombay 16. 12. 1924; Ezekiels Werk umkreist, ironisch analysierend und skeptisch, Gefühle des Verlustes und der Isolation eines orientalischen… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Ezekiel — masc. proper name; in O.T., name of a book and of one of the great prophets of Israel, from L.L. Ezechiel, from Gk. Iezekiel, from Heb. Yehezqel, lit. God strengthens, from hazaq he was strong, he strengthened + El God …   Etymology dictionary

  • Ezekiel — Ezekiel1 [i zē′kē əl] n. [LL(Ec) Ezechiel < Gr Iezekiēl < Heb yechezkel, lit., God strengthens] 1. a masculine name: dim. Zeke 2. Bible a) a Hebrew prophet of the 6th cent. B.C. b) the book of his prophecies: abbrev. Ezek, Ezk, Ez, or Eze… …   English World dictionary

  • Ezekiel — /i zee kee euhl/, n. 1. a Major Prophet of the 6th century B.C. 2. a book of the Bible bearing his name. Abbr.: Ezek. 3. Moses Jacob, 1844 1917, U.S. sculptor, in Rome. 4. a male given name: from a Hebrew word meaning God strengthens. Also, Douay …   Universalium

  • Ezekiel — According to religious texts, Ezekiel (() is understood by Eastern Christianity as another prophesy of the Incarnation: the gate signifying the Virgin Mary and the prince referring to Jesus. This is one of the readings at Vespers on Great Feasts… …   Wikipedia

  • Ezekiel Ox — Infobox musical artist 2 Name = Ezekiel Ox Background = Img capt = Img size = Birth name = Alias = Born = Colac, Victoria [ [http://www.geelongadvertiser.com.au/article/2008/08/28/17666 echo features.html Geelong Advertiser] Mammal: live and… …   Wikipedia

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