ENGELS, Friedrich

ENGELS, Friedrich
   German industrialist who became patron, close friend and collaborator to Karl MARX in founding MARXISM. Engels contributed many ideas to the Marxist movement including what was to become known as DIALECTICAL MATERIALISM. From 1842 he ran his family's factory in Manchester, England where he was also a rapacious landlord. While in Manchester he wrote The Condition of the Working Class in England (1845), supposedly based on his own experiences but actually written from outdated Poor Law Reports. This work is full of factual errors and deliberate attempts to exaggerate the true situation. As a militant ATHEIST, he welcomed DARWIN'S theory of EVOLUTION as positive proof of his own anti-religious views.

Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.

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  • Engels, Friedrich — born Nov. 28, 1820, Barmen, Rhine Province, Prussia died Aug. 5, 1895, London, Eng. German socialist philosopher. Son of a factory owner, he eventually became a successful businessman himself, never allowing his criticism of capitalism to… …   Universalium

  • Engels, Friedrich — (1820–1895)    A philosopher and political economist, Friedrich Engels is best known as Karl Marx ’s lifetime friend and ally. Engels was born in Barmen, present day Wuppertal, Germany on November 28, 1820, the eldest son of a successful textile… …   Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 1800–1914

  • Engels, Friedrich — (1820 95) A nineteenth century philosopher, socialist, manufacturer, and co founder of Marxism . The best introduction to his life and work is Terrell Carver s Engels (1981). Born into a family of well to do mill owners in Rhineland, Engels very… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • Engels, Friedrich — (1820–1895)    Engels was Karl Marx’s closest friend and political collaborator. He co authored a number of works including The Holy Family, German Ideology and The Communist Manifesto, and worked with him as a political organizer and activist in …   Historical dictionary of Marxism

  • Engels, Friedrich — ► (1820 95) Filósofo socialista alemán. Teórico del materialismo dialéctico, fue amigo y colaborador de Karl Marx, con quien redactó el Manifiesto del partido comunista, que sentó las bases del comunismo moderno, y participó, en Londres, en la… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Engels, Friedrich — (1820–1895) German social philosopher and collaborator of Marx . Born in the Rhineland of prosperous, factory owning parents, Engels already had good liberal credentials when he came to Manchester in 1842, partly as agent for the family firm. In… …   Philosophy dictionary

  • Engels,Friedrich — Eng·els (ĕngʹəlz, əls), Friedrich. 1820 1895. German social theorist who collaborated with Karl Marx on The Communist Manifesto (1848) and numerous other works. * * * …   Universalium

  • Engels, Friedrich —  (1820–1895) German socialist …   Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors

  • Engels — Engels, Friedrich …   Philosophy dictionary

  • Engels — Engels, Friedrich …   Dictionary of sociology

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