a NEW RELIGIOUS MOVEMENT founded in 1965 by Paul TRITCHELL (1908-1971) who popularized his ideas through his books The Tiger's Fang (1967), Eckenkar (1969), as well as Brad STEIGER'S biography In My Soul I Am Free (1968). Tritchell claimed to be the 971st ECK Master who was revealing a long secret tradition to the world. His teachings included REINCARNATION, soul travel and a variety of YOGIC and OCCULT BELIEFS and practices. After Tritchell's death he was succeeded by Darwin GROSS as the 972nd ECK Master. Gross married Tritchell's widow but following their divorce in 1978, the group split and Gross was succeeded by Harold KLEMP who became the 973rd ECK master. In origin Eckenkar is an offshoot of Kirpal Singh's RUHANI SATSANG and the SELF REVELATION CHURCH and owes many of its ideas to the Indian SANT MAT tradition.

Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.

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