a controversial and misunderstood word greatly misused by the media where it means a GROUP nobody likes through association with BRAINWASHING. In THEOLOGY the term "cult" has been used to refer to forms of WORSHIP and the RITUALS associated with them such as those at the JERUSALEM TEMPLE in ANCIENT JUDAISM. Sociologically, it refers to small religious groups which are in tension with established religious TRADITIONS and society generally. Rodney STARK and William Sims BAINBRIDGE give an OPERATIONAL DEFINITION of cult as
   "a religious body which does not have a prior tie with another established religious body in the society in question. The cult may represent an alien (external) religion, or it may have originated in the host society, but through innovation, not fusion. Whether domestic or imported, the cult is something new vis-á-vis the other religious bodies in the society in question." On the basis of this definition, they identify three types of cult
   "Audience Cults" which resemble a very loose lecture circuit where people participate in lectures, seminars and workshops as well as buying books and subscribing to magazines which promote a general spiritual point of view. "Client Cults" where mobilization is partial, rather than all embracing and people participate as clients, for example attending occasional SPIRITUALIST meetings, when they have specific needs rather than join as members. Finally, there are "Cult Movements" proper where membership is required and there is a development toward the status of a SECT.

Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.

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  • Cult — (k[u^]lt) n. [F. culte, L. cultus care, culture, fr. colere to cultivate. Cf. {Cultus}.] 1. Attentive care; homage; worship. [1913 Webster] Every one is convinced of the reality of a better self, and of the cult or homage which is due to it.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • cult — s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} oggetto o prodotto intellettuale che gode di uno speciale riconoscimento, spec. in campo artistico o culturale: il film è già un cult per le nuove generazioni; anche agg.inv.: un libro cult, un automobile cult… …   Dizionario italiano

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  • Cult — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Cult puede referirse a: Cult, comuna francesa de Alto Saona. Cult, álbum de Apocalyptica. Obtenido de Cult Categoría: Wikipedia:Desambiguación …   Wikipedia Español

  • cult — /kult, kalt, ingl. kʌlt/ [vc. ingl., propr. «culto»] A s. m. inv. 1. accorc. di cult book 2. accorc. di cult movie B agg. inv. di culto …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • cult — (n.) 1610s, worship, also a particular form of worship, from Fr. culte (17c.), from L. cultus care, labor; cultivation, culture; worship, reverence, originally tended, cultivated, pp. of colere to till (see COLONY (Cf. colony)). Rare after 17c.;… …   Etymology dictionary

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