Cosmology — • In our day cosmology is a branch of philosophical study, and therefore excludes from its investigation whatever forms the object of the natural sciences Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Cosmology Cosmology … Catholic encyclopedia
cosmology — cos*mol o*gy (k[o^]z*m[o^]l [ o]*j[y^]), n. [Gr. ko smos the world + logy: cf. F. cosmologie.] 1. The branch of science or philosophy dealing with the origin and nature of the universe as a whole. specifically (a) (Philosophy) the branch of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cosmology — 1650s, from Mod.L. cosmologia, from Gk. kosmos (see COSMOS (Cf. cosmos)) + logia discourse (see LOGY (Cf. logy)). Related: Cosmological; cosmologist … Etymology dictionary
cosmology — ► NOUN (pl. cosmologies) 1) the science of the origin and development of the universe. 2) an account or theory of the origin of the universe. DERIVATIVES cosmological adjective cosmologist noun … English terms dictionary
cosmology — [käz mäl′ə jē] n. [ML cosmologia: see COSMO & LOGY] 1. the scientific study of the form, content, organization, and evolution of the universe 2. the branch of metaphysics dealing with the origin and structure of the universe cosmological [käz΄mə… … English World dictionary
Cosmology — The Hubble Ultra Deep Field. Every speck of light in this image is an entire galaxy. This is just a small region of a Universe which could contain as many as 200 billion galaxies. Cosmology is the discipline that deals with the nature of the… … Wikipedia
COSMOLOGY — Cosmological theories describe the physical structure of the universe. For cosmology in the Bible, see creation . In the Talmud According to R. Simeon b. Yoḥai, the earth and the heavens are like a pot with a cover. This cover is the raki a, the… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
cosmology — cosmologer, cosmologist, n. cosmological /koz meuh loj i keuhl/, cosmologic, adj. cosmologically, adv. /koz mol euh jee/, n. 1. the branch of philosophy dealing with the origin and general structure of the universe, with its parts, elements, and… … Universalium
cosmology — [[t]kɒzmɒ̱ləʤi[/t]] cosmologies 1) N VAR A cosmology is a theory about the origin and nature of the universe. ...the ideas implicit in Big Bang cosmology. 2) N UNCOUNT Cosmology is the study of the origin and nature of the universe. Derived words … English dictionary
Cosmology — Shamans and their communities usually share a cosmology, a view of the world, that includes an understanding of both how everything works and how it began. Generally, shamanic cosmologies are animist, although neo shamanism’s modernist… … Historical dictionary of shamanism