- that branch of CHRISTIANITY which places an emphasis on the gifts of the SPIRIT.
Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.
Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.
Charismatic Christianity — is a Christian doctrine that maintains that modern day believers experience miracles, prophecy, speaking in tongues, and other spiritual gifts as described in 1Corinthians 12 14 of the Bible. The term charismatic derives from the Greek word… … Wikipedia
Christianity in Indonesia — Christianity by Country Africa … Wikipedia
Charismatic Movement — The term charismatic movement is used in varying senses to describe 20th century developments in various Christian denominations. It describes an ongoing international, cross denominational/non denominational Christian movement in which… … Wikipedia
Charismatic movement — The term charismatic movement describes the adoption, from the early twentieth century onwards, of certain beliefs typical of those held by Pentecostal Christians specifically what are known as the biblical charisms or spiritual gifts: e.g.… … Wikipedia
Christianity in Malaysia — Christianity by Country Africa … Wikipedia
Christianity in Thailand — Christianity by Country Africa … Wikipedia
Charismatic Adventism — Charismatic Adventists are a segment of Seventh day Adventist Church that is closely related to Progressive Adventism , a liberal movement within the church. Contents 1 Beliefs 1.1 Music 1.2 Speaking in tongues 1.3 … Wikipedia
Christianity in the United States — Christianity by Country Africa … Wikipedia
Christianity in Malta — Christianity by Country Africa … Wikipedia
Christianity — /kris chee an i tee/, n., pl. Christianities. 1. the Christian religion, including the Catholic, Protestant, and Eastern Orthodox churches. 2. Christian beliefs or practices; Christian quality or character: Christianity mixed with pagan elements; … Universalium