people under instruction in the CHRISTIAN FAITH as preparation for BAPTISMS.

Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.

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  • Liturgy of the Catechumens — The catechumens can participate in the first part of the liturgy, where readings and sermons are given. However they don t participate in the liturgy of the believers. Eucharistic service is comprised of two distinct, inseparable, and… …   Dictionary of church terms

  • mass of the catechumens — Usage: often capitalized M&C : the part of the mass up to the offertory when the catechumens were originally dismissed …   Useful english dictionary

  • oil of catechumens — holy oil used in baptism, the ordination of a cleric, the coronation of a sovereign, or in the consecration of a church. * * * …   Universalium

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