- a THEOLOGICAL movement which flourished at the University of Cambridge in the seventeenth century which advocated religious toleration.
Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.
Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.
Cambridge Platonists — Als Cambridger Platoniker (Cambridge Platonists) bezeichnet man eine einflussreiche Gruppe von englischen Philosophen und Theologen des 17. Jahrhunderts, die für einen neuplatonisch geprägten christlichen Platonismus zur Abwehr atheistischer und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cambridge Platonists — The Cambridge Platonists were a group of philosophers at Cambridge University in the middle of the 17th century (between 1633 and 1688). Programme The Cambridge Platonists were reacting to two pressures. On the one hand, the dogmatism of the… … Wikipedia
Cambridge Platonists — Group of 17th century British philosophic and religious thinkers. Led by Benjamin Whichcote (1609–1683), it included Ralph Cudworth and Henry More (1614–1687) at Cambridge and Joseph Glanvill (1636–1680) at Oxford. Educated as Puritans, they… … Universalium
Cambridge Platonists — A small group of mid17th century thinkers centred on Cambridge, whose members included Cudworth, Henry More, and Whichcote . The problems they addressed included the rise of low church ‘enthusiasm’, the increasing influence of the Godless system… … Philosophy dictionary
Cambridge Platonists — Кембриджские платоники … Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов
Herbert of Cherbury (Lord) and the Cambridge Platonists — Lord Herbert of Cherbury and the Cambridge Platonists Sarah Hutton The philosophy of Lord Herbert of Cherbury (1582/3–1648) and of the Cambridge Platonists exemplifies the continuities of seventeenth century thought with Renaissance philosophy.… … History of philosophy
Cambridge Platonist — Cambridge Platonists … Philosophy dictionary
Cambridge — /kaym brij/, n. 1. a city in Cambridgeshire, in E England: famous university founded in 12th century. 103,900. 2. a city in E Massachusetts, near Boston. 95,322. 3. Cambridgeshire. 4. a city in SE Ontario, in S Canada. 77,183. 5. a city in E Ohio … Universalium
Schule von Cambridge — Als Cambridger Platoniker (Cambridge Platonists) bezeichnet man eine einflussreiche Gruppe von englischen Philosophen und Theologen des 17. Jahrhunderts, die für einen neuplatonisch geprägten christlichen Platonismus zur Abwehr atheistischer und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Platoniciens de Cambridge — Les Platoniciens de Cambridge désigne un groupe de philosophes du XVIIe siècle membres de l Université de Cambridge qui compte parmi ses membres Henry More (1614 1687), Ralph Cudworth (1617 1689), Benjamin Whichcote (1609 1683), Peter Sterry … Wikipédia en Français