most traditional religions follow a LITURGICAL calendar. In ISLAM a lunar calendar is still used to set the dates and times for important feasts and fasting such as RAMADAM; in CHRISTIANITY the calendar is fixed. There are differences in usage between Western and Eastern Churches resulting in different dates for CHRISTMAS and EASTER. The purpose of a religious calendar is to instill in the minds of people the great events of a RELIGION by the repetition of religious acts and ceremonies spread throughout the year. Thus in Christianity there is ADVENT, or the time preceding the BIRTH of JESUS when the prophecies of the HEBREW BIBLE are remembered, followed by CHRISTMAS which celebrates the birth of CHRIST and lead on to LENT when His temptations and earthly life is remembered leading up to EASTER when the death and RESURRECTION of JESUS is meditated on. Finally there is PENTECOST--or WHITSUN--when the ASCENSION and heavenly reign of CHRIST comes into play. Liturgical Churches have various SAINTS days added to commemorate the life and death of outstanding CHRISTIANS.

Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.

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