   French ROMAN CATHOLIC political philosopher and theorist whose work legitimating monarchy and political absolutism provided a basis for various "DIVINE RIGHT" theories. His main works are Method for the Easy Comprehension of History (1566) and Six Books of the Republic (1576).

Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.

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  • BODIN, JEAN° — (1529 or 1530–1596), French historian, economist, and jurist. Bodin took an interest in Judaism in his main works De Republica (1576) and Methodus ad facilem historiarum cognitionem (1566), but chiefly in a work which he had completed in 1593 but …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Bodin, Jean — • Article by Georges Goyau. Notes the philosopher s relation to the political and religious order of his time Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • BODIN, Jean — (1529/30 1596) Jean Bodin was the first political theorist of the early modern period to em­phasize the concept of sovereignty. In his Six Books of the Republic (1576), Bodin examined difficult conditions in his native France and called for the… …   Renaissance and Reformation 1500-1620: A Biographical Dictionary

  • Bodin, Jean — born 1530, Angers, Fr. died June 1596, Laon French political philosopher. He studied at the University of Toulouse and later taught law there (1551–61). In 1571 he entered the household of the king s brother, François, duke d Alençon. He favoured …   Universalium

  • Bodin, Jean — (ca. 1530 1596)    economist, philosopher    An early defender of the political theory of absolutism, Jean Bodin was born in Angers and was an attorney for the Parlement of paris before becoming lieutenant general, then royal procurator, for the… …   France. A reference guide from Renaissance to the Present

  • Bodin, Jean — ► (1530 96) Político y jurista francés. Formuló la teoría cuantitativa del dinero, que explicó en su obra Respuestas a las paradojas de Monsieur de Malestroit con relación al hecho de las monedas y el enriquecimiento de todas las cosas (1568 69) …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • BODIN, JEAN —    a publicist and diplomatist, born at Angers; author of The Republic, in six books, published at first in French and then in Latin, which summed up all the political philosophy of his time, and contributed to prepare the way for subsequent… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Bodin — Bodin, Jean …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Jean Bodin — (* 1529 oder 1530 in Angers; † 1596 in Laon), latinisiert auch Joannes Bodinus Andegavensis, gilt als der erste französische Staatstheoretiker von Rang. Er gilt als Begründer des modernen Souveränitätsbegriffes und mit seiner staatstheoretischen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Jean Bodin — (1529/1530 ndash;1596)was born in Angers, France, and became a French jurist and political philosopher, member of the Parlement (not to be confused with the English Parliament ) of Paris and professor of Law in Toulouse. He is best known for his… …   Wikipedia

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