AYER, Sir Alfred Jules

AYER, Sir Alfred Jules
   English linguistic philosopher and humanist whose best work Language, Truth and Logic (1936), introduced LOGICAL POSITIVISM to the English speaking world. The central demand of this work was the "elimination of METAPHYSICS." In 1988, shortly before his death, he wrote an article describing a near death experience which had forced him to question his earlier views.

Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.

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  • Ayer, Sir A.J. — ▪ British philosopher Introduction in full  Sir Alfred Jules Ayer   born Oct. 29, 1910, London, Eng. died June 27, 1989, London       British philosopher and educator and a leading representative of Logical Positivism through his widely read work …   Universalium

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  • Jules — /joohlz/; Fr. /zhyuul/, n. a male given name, French form of Julius. * * * (as used in expressions) Ayer Sir Alfred Jules Bordet Jules Jean Baptiste–Vincent Dubos René Jules Dumont d Urville Jules Sébastien César Feiffer Jules Ferry Jules… …   Universalium

  • Alfred Ayer — Infobox Philosopher region = Western Philosophy era = 20th century philosophy color = #B0C4DE image caption = A J Ayer name = Alfred Jules Ayer birth = birth date|1910|10|29 death = death date and age |1989|06|27|1910|10|29 school tradition =… …   Wikipedia

  • Ayer — biographical name Sir Alfred Jules 1910 1989 English philosopher …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Ayer —   [ eə], Sir (seit 1970) Alfred Jules, britischer Philosoph, * London 29. 10. 1910, ✝ ebenda 28. 6. 1989; 1946 59 Professor in London, 1959 78 in Oxford, einflussreicher Vertreter der analytischen Philosophie in der Nachfolge B. Russells und des… …   Universal-Lexikon

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