- the lowest of the three TWICE BORN within the CASTE system of HINDUISM. They are the acceptable workers, traders and merchants and from whose labors the members of the other castes live.
Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.
Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.
Vaiśya — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda En el marco del hinduismo, un vaishia (en sánscrito, वैश्य vaiśya) es un miembro de la tercera de las cuatro castas de la sociedad india tradicional. La casta vaishia abarca a comerciantes, artesanos, terratenientes… … Wikipedia Español
vaisya — VAÍSYA s. f. clasă socială hindusă, alcătuită din agricultori şi comerciali. (< fr. vaisya) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
Vaisya — Vais ya, n. [Skr. vai[,c]ya.] The third of the four great original castes among the Hindus, now either extinct or partially represented by the mercantile class of Banyas. See the Note under {Caste}, 1. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Vaisya — Vaisya, s. Vaiçya … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Vaisya — [vīs′yə] n. a member of the Hindu business and agricultural caste, next below the Kshatriya … English World dictionary
Vaisya — Vaishya Religions Védisme Brahmanisme Hindouisme Ajîvika Jaïnisme … Wikipédia en Français
Vaisya — /vuys yeuh, vuysh /, n. a member of the Hindu mercantile and professional class, above the Shudras and below the Kshatriyas. Cf. Brahman (def. 1). [1785 95; < Skt vaisya] * * * … Universalium
Vaisya — [ vʌɪsjə, ʃjə] (also Vaishya) noun a member of the third of the four Hindu castes, comprising merchants and farmers. Origin from Sanskrit vaiśya peasant, labourer … English new terms dictionary
Vaisya — Vais•ya [[t]ˈvaɪs yə, ˈvaɪʃ [/t]] n. pl. yas ear a member of the Hindu mercantile and professional class, above the Shudras and below the Kshatriyas Compare Brahman 1) • Etymology: 1785–95; < Skt vaiśya … From formal English to slang
Vaisya — n. 1 the third of the four great Hindu castes, comprising the merchants and agriculturalists. 2 a member of this caste. Etymology: Skr. vaisya peasant, labourer … Useful english dictionary
vaisya — n. 1 the third of the four great Hindu castes, comprising the merchants and agriculturalists. 2 a member of this caste. Etymology: Skr. vaisya peasant, labourer … Useful english dictionary