- ignorance in HINDU thought--which is the explanation for the endless cycle of birth and REBIRTH which binds humans to the wheel of EXISTENCE.
Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.
Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.
Avidya — Avidyā Avidyā (sanskrit; pâli: avijjā ou moha synonyme ; tibétain: ma rig pa; japonais: mumyō), signifie ignorance, ou aveuglement. Dans le bouddhisme, avidyā est la source de toute souffrance, dukkha. Dans l hindouisme, c est d abord l ignorance … Wikipédia en Français
avidya — Avidya, or “ignorance,” is a centrally important term in Hinduism. The term also has an impor tant place in Buddhism. Avidya is the funda mental ignorance that causes us to misperceive the phenomenal world. Ignorance causes us to imagine that… … Encyclopedia of Hinduism
Avidyā — Le terme sanskrit Avidyā (devanāgarī : अविद्य ; pāli,: avijjā ou moha; chinois: wúmíng 无明; tibétain: ma rig pa; japonais: mumyō), signifie ignorance, ou aveuglement. Dans le bouddhisme, avidyā est la première étape de la chaîne des… … Wikipédia en Français
Avidyā — Part of a series on Hindu philosophy … Wikipedia
avidya — /euh vid yah/, n. Hinduism, Buddhism. ignorance of the identity of oneself with Brahman, resulting in imprisonment within the cycle of birth and death. Cf. vidya. [ < Skt avidya ignorance, equiv. to a A 6 + vidya; see VIDYA] * * *… … Universalium
avidyā — ignorance, spiritual ignorance, illusion. Ignorance is of four kinds: 1) to mistake that which is impermanent to be permanent 2) to mistake that which is full of misery to be blissful 3) to mistake that which is impure to be pure 4) to mistake… … The Bhaktivedanta encyclopedia
Avidyā (Buddhism) — Part of a series on Buddhism Outline · Portal History … Wikipedia
Avidya — Avịdya [Sanskrit »Unwissenheit«, z. B. bezüglich des Atman, Brahman, des »wahren« Gottes, des rechten Verhaltens], die »Nicht Erkenntnis«, die in der indischen Philosophie die Bindung des Menschen an den Kreislauf der Wiedergeburten bewirkt … Universal-Lexikon
Avidya — Avi|dya [a vidja] vgl. ↑Awidya … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
avidya — avi·dya … English syllables