Ultramontanism — • A term used to denote integral and active Catholicism Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Ultramontanism Ultramontanism † … Catholic encyclopedia
Ultramontanism — is a religious philosophy within the Catholic Church that places strong emphasis on the prerogatives and powers of the pope. In particular, ultramontanism may consist in asserting the superiority of Papal authority over the authority of local… … Wikipedia
ultramontanism — ULTRAMONTANÍSM s.n. Curent în cadrul catolicismului, care nu admite unele libertăţi organizatorice ale Bisericii catolice din Franţa faţă de Papă. – Din fr. ultramontanisme. Trimis de ana zecheru, 05.09.2002. Sursa: DEX 98 ultramontanísm s. n.… … Dicționar Român
Ultramontanism — Ul tra*mon ta*nism, n. [Cf. F. ultramontanisme.] The principles of those within the Roman Catholic Church who maintain extreme views favoring the pope s supremacy; so used by those living north of the Alps in reference to the Italians; rarely… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ultramontanism — noun see ultramontane … New Collegiate Dictionary
ultramontanism — ultramontanist, n. /ul treuh mon tn iz euhm/, n. (sometimes cap.) the policy of the party in the Roman Catholic Church that favors increasing and enhancing the power and authority of the pope. Cf. Gallicanism. [1820 30; < F ultramontanisme, equiv … Universalium
ultramontanism — noun A Roman Catholic philosophy that emphasises the prerogatives and powers of the Pope See Also: ultramontano … Wiktionary
ULTRAMONTANISM — name given to extreme views in the matter of the prerogatives and authority of the Pope, so called in France as prevailing on the other side of the Alps … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Ultramontanism — The tendency in the Roman Catholic Church to centralise authority in the Papacy and to discourage national or diocesan autonomy … Who’s Who in Christianity
ultramontanism — ul·tra·montanism … English syllables