   German/American, philosopher-theologian who was involved in the German religious-SOCIALIST movement before opposition to Hitler and National SOCIALISM led to his dismissal from the University of Frankfurt in 1933. In the United States, where he taught at Union Theological Seminary, Tillich's work combined PLATONISM, medieval MYSTICISM, German IDEALISM and EXISTENTIALISM. His best known books are Systematic Theology (1963), The Courage to Be (1952) and Theology of Culture (1959).

Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.

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  • TILLICH, PAUL JOHANNES° — (1886–1965), Protestant philosopher and theologian, born in Starzeddal (Silesia), the son of a Lutheran pastor. He received his education at the universities of Berlin, Tübingen, Halle, and Breslau. Often compared to Martin Buber because they… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Tillich, Paul — ▪ American theologian and philosopher Introduction born , Aug. 20, 1886, Starzeddel, Brandenburg, Ger. died Oct. 22, 1965, Chicago       German born U.S. theologian (theology) and philosopher whose discussions of God and faith illuminated and… …   Universalium

  • Tillich, Paul — (1886 1965)    A German philosophical theologian, Tillich, under Nazi pressure for his socialistic views, emigrated to the USA in 1934, and then taught at Union Theological Seminary, Harvard, and the University of Chicago, eventually achieving… …   Christian Philosophy

  • Tillich, Paul — (1886 1965)    theologian and philosopher; best known for linking religious issues with the human condition. Born to a Lutheran pastor in the Brandenburg village of Starzeddel (now in Poland*), he studied theology and philosophy and took a… …   Historical dictionary of Weimar Republik

  • Tillich, Paul — (1886–1965) German Lutheran theologian. Tillich fled to the USA in 1933, and taught theology at the Union Theological Seminary, Harvard, and Chicago. His Systematic Theology in three volumes (1951– 63) attempts a ‘method of correlation’ whereby… …   Philosophy dictionary

  • Tillich, Paul Johannes — (1886–1965)    Theologian.    Tillich was the son of a Lutheran pastor and was born in Starzeddal, Germany. He was educated at the Universities of Berlin, Tübingen, Halle and Breslau and his doctorate was on the work of schelling. Subsequently he …   Who’s Who in Christianity

  • Tillich,Paul Johannes — Til·lich (tĭlʹĭk, ĭKH), Paul Johannes. 1886 1965. German born American theologian and philosopher whose works, including Systematic Theology (1951 1963), bind Christianity to an understanding of modern culture. * * * …   Universalium

  • Tillich, Paul J. — ► (1886 1965) Teólogo protestante estadounidense. Obras: Se conmueven los cimientos de la tierra (1948), Teología sistemática (tres volúmenes, 1951 63), El coraje de existir (1952) y Amor, poder y justicia (1954), entre otras …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Tillich, Paul (Johannes) — born , Aug. 20, 1886, Starzeddel, Brandenburg, Ger. died Oct. 22, 1965, Chicago, Ill., U.S. German born U.S. Protestant theologian. He studied at Berlin, Tübingen, and Halle and was a chaplain with the German army during World War I. He taught… …   Universalium

  • Tillich, Paul (Johannes) — (20 ago. 1886, Starzeddel, Brandeburgo, Alemania– 22 oct. 1965, Chicago, Ill., EE.UU.). Teólogo protestante estadounidense de origen alemán. Estudió en Berlín, Tubinga y Halle y fue capellán en el ejército alemán durante la primera guerra mundial …   Enciclopedia Universal

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