the Mesopotamian GOD of vegetation who died and journeyed to the underworld. FRAZER argued that Tammuz was an example of a dying and rising God. Modern scholars, working with better textual materials, dispute this claim.

Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.

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  • TAMMUZ — (Heb. תַּמּוּז), the post Exilic name of the fourth month of the Jewish year. The word, but not the month, occurs in Ezekiel 8:14 and is held to be identical with the Babylonian Dumuzi corresponding to Adonis of the Greeks. Tammuz as the name of… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • TAMMUZ — (Heb. תַּמּוּז; from Sumerian Dumuzi, Invigorator of the Child ), the Sumerian Babylonian fertility god. He is the invigorating power in dates, grain, and milk, and hence his role as a shepherd in Sumerian literature (Th. Jacobsen). In ancient… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Tammuz — may refer to: Tammuz (deity), Babylonian and Sumerian god Tammuz (Hebrew month), the 10th month of the Hebrew calendar Tammuz (Babylonian calendar), a month in the Babylonian calendar Tammuz 1 or Osirak, formerly a nuclear reactor in Iraq See… …   Wikipedia

  • Tammuz — (en árabe تمّوز, en hebreo תַּמּוּז) era una divinidad babilónica, consorte de Inanna, adoptada del panteón sumerio, en el que recibía el nombre de Dumuzi. En su honor recibía también ese nombre un mes del calendario empleado en la antigua… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • Tammuz — [tä′mooz] n. [Heb tammūz < Akkadian tamūz, a god of fertility < Sumerian Dumu zi (lit., true son), god & legendary king] the tenth month of the Jewish year: see the Jewish calendar in the Reference Supplement …   English World dictionary

  • Tammuz — Babylonian and Assyrian god (identified with Adon), probably from Babylonian Du uzu, contraction of Dumu zi the son who rises, also interpeted as the faithful son …   Etymology dictionary

  • Tammuz — /tah mooz/; for 1 also /tah moohz /; for 2 also /tam uz/, n. 1. the tenth month of the Jewish calendar. Cf. Jewish calendar. 2. a Sumerian and Babylonian shepherd god, originally king of Erech, confined forever in the afterworld as a substitute… …   Universalium

  • Tammuz — Dumuzi Dumuzi en sumérien, ou Tammuz en babylonien, est un dieu mésopotamien. Il est le dieu pasteur et dieu de la fertilité dans la religion babylonienne. C est un berger roi uni à Ishtar dans un très ancien rite de mariage sacré.[1] Un récit… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Tammuz — I Tammuz   [ muz; hebräisch], sumerisch und akkadisch Dumuzi [ zi; »rechter Sohn«], altmesopotamischer (dem westsemitischen Adonis verwandter) Vegetationsgott; Hirte und Geliebter der Göttin Inanna (Ischtar) von Uruk, die ihn den Dämonen der… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Tammuz —    Very early Babylonian and Assyrian god; brother and lover of Belili, and later spouse of Ishtar. He was a spring sowing god who was killed in the autumn, presumably after the harvest. Originally he was the ritual husband of the harvest goddess …   Who’s Who in non-classical mythology

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