a controversial NEW RELIGIOUS MOVEMENT founded by L. Ron HUBBARD who in many respects was a modern SHAMAN. It aims at applying religious PHILOSOPHY through a process of education and unique counselling to recover spirituality and increase individual ability. Hubbard originally developed a form of therapy known as DIANETICS. This dealt with workings of the human mind and aimed at relieving emotional traumas. In the process Hubbard came to believe that the human spirit animates the mind, is immortal, and can resolve its own problems. As aa result he created Scientology as a religious movement. Through Scientology, and the methods Hubbard taught, an individual discovers they are a SPIRITUAL being, or THETAN, and learn to becomes their own SAVIOR thus gaining spiritual freedom. Scientology uses the language of SCIENCE to promote a Westernized version of YOGIC RELIGION supported by the rich MYTHOLOGY found in Hubbard's science fiction novels. Although many attempts have been made to deny the religious NATURE of Scientology, it has too many features of actual RELIGIONS to be dismissed as a pious fraud or SECULAR PHILOSOPHY.

Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.

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