ARNOLD, Thomas

ARNOLD, Thomas
   ANGLICAN Clergyman and Headmaster of Rugby School. He is famous for his REFORMS of the English public and elite private school system and unique among educational reformers in that his "reforms" limited social mobility and strengthened the English class system. Although hailed as a wise and brilliant CHRISTIAN educator who infused education with a moral purpose, his work has had a devastating effect by creating deep social divisions in British SOCIETY.

Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.

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  • Arnold,Thomas — Arnold, Thomas. 1795 1842. British educator and historian who as headmaster of Rugby School (1827 1842) introduced classes in mathematics, modern languages, and modern history into the classical curriculum. * * * …   Universalium

  • Arnold, Thomas — known as Doctor Arnold born June 13, 1795, East Cowes, Isle of Wight, Eng. died June 12, 1842, Rugby, Warwickshire British educator. A classical scholar, he became headmaster in 1828 of Rugby School, which was in a state of decline. He revived… …   Universalium

  • Arnold, Thomas — (1795–1842)    Educator.    Arnold was educated at the University of Oxford and, after ordination, he became a Fellow of Oriel College. At the age of thirty three, he was appointed Headmaster of Rugby School. He was very involved in the… …   Who’s Who in Christianity

  • Arnold, Thomas — ► (1795 1842) Pedagogo británico. Introdujo notables reformas en el sistema escolar británico. * * * llamado doctor Arnold (13 jun. 1795, East Cowes, islade Wight, Inglaterra–12 jun. 1842, Rugby, Warwickshire). Educador británico. Erudito de los… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • ARNOLD, THOMAS —    head master of Rugby, and professor of Modern History at Oxford; by his moral character and governing faculty effected immense reforms in Rugby School; was liberal in his principles and of a philanthropic spirit; he wrote a History of Rome… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Arnold, Thomas — (1795 1842)    Historian, s. of an inland revenue officer in the Isle of Wight, was ed. at Winchester and Oxford, and after some years as a tutor, was, in 1828, appointed Head Master of Rugby. His learning, earnestness, and force of character… …   Short biographical dictionary of English literature

  • Thomas Arnold (Theologe) — Thomas Arnold (1840) Thomas Arnold (* 13. Juni 1795 in Cowes auf der Isle of Wight; † 12. Juni 1842 in Oxford) war ein englischer Theologe und Pädagoge, der eine für das kirchliche Leben und das Erziehungswesen in England in der …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Arnold — Arnold, Benedict Arnold, Gottfried Arnold, Matthew Arnold, Thomas * * * (as used in expressions) Arnold, Benedict Arnold, Henry (Harley) Hap Arnold Arnold, Matthew Arnold, Thomas doctor Arnold Bax, Sir Arnold (Edwar …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Thomas Arnold — [Thomas Arnold] (1795–1842) ↑headmaster of ↑Rugby School (1828–42). He introduced many changes that influenced the development of ↑public school education in Britain. Matthew …   Useful english dictionary

  • Thomas — Thomas, Albert Thomas, André Antoine Thomas, Ch. L. Ambroise Thomas, Dylan Thomas, Sidney Gilchrist Thomas, Theodore * * * (as used in expressions) Adès, Thomas …   Enciclopedia Universal

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