(427?-347 BC)
   Greek philosopher of aristocratic Athenian descent who saw Athens decline politically and commercially as a result of the Peloponnesian War 431-404 BC. He founded the Academy (perhaps in 386 B.C.) which became the first endowed university and flourished until it closed in 529 A.D. Plato held that the material and sensible world is merely a temporary copy of permanent unchanging FORMS, which are the object of all real knowledge. True ethical values are attained only by those individuals who have the proper perspective of SOUL or MIND and who place REASON above the baser elements of their personality. The best government is possible only when philosophers, who are rational members of the State, become rulers. His teacher was SOCRATES and ARISTOTLE was his pupil--together they are the three greatest Greek philosophers.

Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.

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