- a product of the ENLIGHTENMENT which involves the analysis and evaluation of religious experience and BELIEF.
Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.
Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.
philosophy of religion — religion, philosophy of … Philosophy dictionary
Philosophy of religion — is a branch of philosophy that is concerned with the philosophical study of religion, including arguments over the nature and existence of God, religious language, miracles, prayer, the problem of evil, and the relationship between religion and… … Wikipedia
Philosophy and religion in Star Wars — George Lucas creation of the Star Wars saga was influenced by mythology, philosophy, and religion and the popularity of the film series inevitably led to even more comparisons being made.tar Wars Many of the themes within Star Wars reflect… … Wikipedia
Philosophy and religion of the Tlingit — The philosophy and religion of the Tlingit, although never formally codified, was historically a fairly well organized philosophical and religious system whose basic axioms shaped the way all Tlingit people viewed and interacted with the world… … Wikipedia
Philosophy of Religion, British Society for the — see British Society for the Philosophy of Religion … Christian Philosophy
philosophy of religion — see religion, philosophy of … Christian Philosophy
philosophy of religion — This academic discipline studies religion and religious phenomena by using philosophical methodologies. Because there are many different philosophical approaches, there are many different philosophies of religion … Glossary of theological terms
philosophy of religion — Философия религии … Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов
British Society for the Philosophy of Religion — Founded in 1993, the British Society for the Philosophy of Religion represented a broadening of the UK Society of Christian Philosophers to include non Christian philosophers and discussion of non Christian philosophy. It is smaller than the… … Christian Philosophy
religion, philosophy of — The attempt to understand the concepts involved in religious belief: existence, necessity, fate, creation, sin, justice, mercy, redemption, God. Until the 20th century the history of western philosophy is closely intertwined with attempts to make … Philosophy dictionary