PENN, William

PENN, William
   English QUAKER who emigrated to America and founded Pennsylvania. He held UNORTHODOX views about the TRINITY, ATONEMENT and JUSTIFICATION attacking CALVINISM in his book Sandy Foundation Shaken (1668). His most famous book No Cross, No Crown (1669), is considered a spiritual classic.

Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.

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  • Penn,William — Penn (pĕn), William. 1644 1718. English Quaker colonizer in America. He founded the colony of Pennsylvania in 1681. * * * …   Universalium

  • Penn, William — born Oct. 14, 1644, London, Eng. died July 30, 1718, Buckinghamshire English Quaker leader and founder of Pennsylvania. Expelled from Oxford for his Puritan beliefs, he was sent to manage the family estates in Ireland, where he joined the Society …   Universalium

  • Penn, William — ( 164 4 1718 )    Quaker leader and advocate of religious freedom    William Penn was born in London, England, on October 14, 1644. He was raised as a member of the Church of England. His early life showed little direction, but after hearing… …   Encyclopedia of Protestantism

  • Penn, William — (1644–1718)    State Founder and Devotional Writer.    Penn was born in London. He failed to complete his course at the University of Oxford because of his non conformist convictions. He joined the Quakers in 1665 and was the author of many… …   Who’s Who in Christianity

  • PENN, WILLIAM —    founder of Pennsylvania, the son of an admiral, born in London; was converted to Quakerism while a student at Oxford, and for a fanatical attack on certain fellow students expelled the University; his father sent him to travel in France, and… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Penn, William — (1644 1718)    Quaker apologist, s. of Sir William P., a celebrated Admiral, was b. in London, and ed. at Oxf., where he became a Quaker, and was in consequence expelled from the Univ. His change of views and his practice of the extremest social… …   Short biographical dictionary of English literature

  • Penn, William — (14 oct. 1644, Londres, Inglaterra–30 jul. 1718, Buckinghamshire). Dirigente cuáquero inglés y fundador de Pensilvania. Expulsado de Oxford por su fe puritana, fue enviado a administrar las propiedades de la familia en Irlanda, donde en 1667 se… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • William Penn — Datos personales Nacimiento 14 de octubre de 1644 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Penn — may refer to:PlacesEngland*Penn, Buckinghamshire *Penn, West MidlandsUnited States*Penn, North Dakota *Pennsylvania **Penn, Pennsylvania *Penn Lake Park, Pennsylvania *Penn Township, several municipalitiesEducation* University of Pennsylvania,… …   Wikipedia

  • William Penn (disambiguation) — William Penn (1644 ndash;1718), is the founder of Pennsylvania, U.S.A.William Penn may also refer to: ;People * William Penn, Jr. (1681 ndash;1720), eldest surviving son of William Penn * William Penn (admiral) (1621 ndash;1670), English admiral… …   Wikipedia

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