ORWELL, George

ORWELL, George
   English author best known for his novels 1984 (1949) and Animal Farm (1945) both of which are strong critiques of TOTALITARIANISM. What is less well known is that 1984 was meant to criticize not a future society but propaganda techniques and trends already present in 1948. It is also not usually recognized that in addition to criticizing COMMUNISM, both works were also intended as an attack on CHRISTIANITY.

Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.

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  • Orwell, George — orig. Eric Arthur Blair born 1903, Motihari, Bengal, India died Jan. 21, 1950, London, Eng. British novelist, essayist, and critic. Instead of accepting a scholarship to a university, Orwell went to Burma to serve in the Indian Imperial Police… …   Universalium

  • Orwell, George — (1903 1950)    George Orwell, the pen name of Eric Arthur Blair, was born in Motihari, Bengal, India, where his father, Richard Walmesley Blair, was a civil servant for the British government. After his education at Eton College, he served for… …   British and Irish poets

  • Orwell, George — ► (1903 50) Seudónimo de Eric Blair, ensayista y novelista británico. Inspiraron su adhesión al socialismo las experiencias de su estancia en Eton. Obras: Homenaje a Cataluña (1938); La granja de los animales (1945); 1984 (1949), visión del… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Orwell,George — Or·well (ôrʹwĕl , wəl), George. Pen name of Eric Arthur Blair. 1903 1950. British writer whose books attack totalitarianism and reflect his concern with social justice. His works include the novels Animal Farm (1945) and 1984 (1949) and the essay …   Universalium

  • Orwell, George —    (pseudonym of Eric Blair, 1903 1950)    The author of Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty four, whose first novel, Burmese Days, and essays, such as A Hanging and Shooting an Elephant, reflected his experiences in Burma from 1922 to 1927 as a… …   Historical Dictionary of Burma (Myanmar)

  • Orwell, George — pseud. di Blair, Eric Arthur …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • Orwell — Orwell, George …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • George Orwell bibliography — George Orwell bibliography Orwell pictured by the National Union of Journalists in 1933 Releases ↙Books 3 …   Wikipedia

  • Orwell — George Orwell Pour les articles homonymes, voir Blair. George Orwell …   Wikipédia en Français

  • George Orwell — Foto que aparece en la acreditación de Orwell para la Branch of the National Union of Journalists (1933). Nombre complet …   Wikipedia Español

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