the "Guided One" or messianic IMAM in Shi'ism which is used in a general sense within ISLAM to refer to an awaited descendant of MUHAMMAD who will restore the purity of Islam.

Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.

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  • Mahdi — (arabe : mahdīy, مَهْديّ, « homme guidé (par Dieu) ; celui qui montre le chemin ») est un prénom musulman désignant le Bien guidé, le Sauveur de l islam devant apparaître à la fin des temps. Sommaire 1 Dans le sunnisme 2 Dans… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Mahdi — Mah di, n. [Ar., guide, leader.] Among Mohammedans, the last imam or leader of the faithful. The Sunni, the largest sect of the Mohammedans, believe that he is yet to appear. [1913 Webster] Note: The title has been taken by several persons in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Mahdi — 1792, from Arabic mahdiy, lit. he who is guided aright, pp. of hada to lead in the right way. Spiritual and temporal leader expected by some Muslims. Applied c.1880 to insurrectionary leaders in the Sudan who claimed to be him. Related: Mahdism …   Etymology dictionary

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  • Mahdi — [mä′dē] n. [Ar mahdīy, one guided aright < hadā, to lead aright] a Muslim messianic leader; esp., such a leader and prophet expected by Muslims to appear on earth before the world ends Mahdism [mä′diz΄əm] n. Mahdist n …   English World dictionary

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