   Canadian JESUIT PRIEST reckoned among the most important DOGMATIC THEOLOGIANS of this century. Instead of assuming that one or other contemporary philosophy or WORLDVIEW is correct, Lonergan sets out to determine the structure of the human mind which has given rise to the variety of philosophies and worldviews, on the basis of which each is to be criticized as inadequate. He applies this structure to theology through such works as Insight (1957), Method in Theology (1957) and The Way to Nicea (1976).

Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.

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  • Lonergan, Bernard J. F. — (1904 84)    A Roman Catholic theologian and philosopher, Lonergan is best known for his transcendental Thomism, in which he seeks an analysis of the human subject by identifying transcendental conditions of the possibility of thought and action… …   Christian Philosophy

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  • Bernard Lonergan — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Lonergan. Bernard Lonergan, Ordre du Canada, (17 décembre 1904 26 novembre 1984) est un prêtre jésuite canadien, philosophe, économiste et théologien dans la tradition thomiste, professeur à l Université… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Lonergan — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Augustine Lonergan (1874–1947), US amerikanischer Politiker Bernard Lonergan (1904–1984), kanadischer Theologe und Religionsphilosoph John Joseph Lonergan (1888–1938), australischer Priester Kenneth… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bernard Lonergan — Fr. Bernard Lonergan, S.J. (17 December 1904 ndash; 26 November 1984) was a Canadian Jesuit Priest. He was a philosopher theologian in the Thomist tradition and an economist from Buckingham, Quebec. He taught at Loyola College (Montreal) (now… …   Wikipedia

  • Bernard Lonergan — Fr. Bernard Joseph Francis Lonergan, S.J., CC (* 17. Dezember 1904; † 26. November 1984) war ein kanadischer jesuitischer Theologe und Religionsphilosoph. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Werk 3 Literatur …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Lonergan Institute — The Lonergan Institute is a center of research at Boston College (a private university in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts), specialising in the work of Canadian philosopher Bernard Lonergan.The Institute offers courses and seminars on Lonergan, his… …   Wikipedia

  • Lonergan —  Cette page d’homonymie répertorie des personnes (réelles ou fictives) partageant un même patronyme. Lonergan est un nom de famille notamment porté par : Bernard Lonergan (1904 1984), jésuite canadien ; Kenneth Lonergan (1963 ),… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Fr. Bernard JosephFrancis Lonergan, S.J. — Fr. Bernard Joseph Francis Lonergan, S.J. (* 17. Dezember 1904; † 26. November 1984) war ein kanadischer jesuitischer Theologe und Religionsphilosoph. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Werk 3 Literatur 4 Weblinks // …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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