KÜNG, Hans

KÜNG, Hans
   Swiss ROMAN CATHOLIC theologian who studied at the German College in Rome. He gained fame as a progressive but not radical thinker within the Roman Catholic Church and an important figure in the discussions of the SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL. His early works such as Justification (1965) and Infallible? (1971) dealt with ECCLESIASTICAL matters. His On Being a Christian (1977) became a best selling APOLOGETIC which was supplemented by Does God Exist? (1980). More recently in books like Christianity and World Religions (1986) he has moved towards UNIVERSALISM and sought to create an inter-religious ECUMENICISM.

Concise dictionary of Religion. 2012.

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  • Küng,Hans — Küng (ko͝ong, küng), Hans. Born 1928. Swiss Roman Catholic theologian. An adviser (1962 1965) during the Second Vatican Council, he was later censored by the Vatican (1979) for his rejection of papal infallibility. His works include On Being a… …   Universalium

  • Küng, Hans — (b. 1928)    Theologian and Ecumenist.    Küng was born in Lucerne, Switzerland, and was educated at the Gregorian University and at the Sorbonne. As an ordained priest, he taught at the Roman Catholic faculty in Tübingen. He became known as a… …   Who’s Who in Christianity

  • Küng, Hans — ▪ Swiss theologian born March 19, 1928, Sursee, Switz.       Swiss Roman Catholic theologian whose controversial liberal views led to his censorship by the Vatican in 1979.       Küng studied at Gregorian University in Rome and obtained a… …   Universalium

  • Küng, Hans — ► (n. 1928) Teólogo católico suizo. Fue profesor de teología dogmática de la Universidad de Lovaina. En 1975 se le privó de su cátedra por juzgar sospechosas de heterodoxia algunas de sus tesis. Actualmente enseña filosofía del cristianismo… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Hans Küng — (Sursee, Cantón de Lucerna, 19 de marzo de 1928), es un sacerdote católico, teólogo controvertido y prolífico autor. Desde 1995 es Presidente de la Fundación por una Ética Mundial (Stiftung Weltethos). Küng es un sacerdote católico en activo …   Wikipedia Español

  • Hans Kung — Hans Küng Hans Küng est un théologien suisse, né le 19 mars 1928 à Sursee dans le canton de Lucerne (Suisse). Sommaire 1 Biographie 2 Œuvres 3 Références et sources …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Hans Kueng — Hans Küng Hans Küng est un théologien suisse, né le 19 mars 1928 à Sursee dans le canton de Lucerne (Suisse). Sommaire 1 Biographie 2 Œuvres 3 Références et sources …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Küng — Küng, Hans * * * (as used in expressions) kung fu Cheng Ch eng kung Chou kung …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Hans Küng — (2009) Hans Küng (* 19. März 1928 in Sursee, Kanton Luzern) ist ein Schweizer Theologe, römisch katholischer Priester und Autor. Er ist emeritierter Professor für Ökumenische Theologie an der Eberh …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Hans Küng — (born March 19, 1928 in Sursee, Canton of Lucerne), is a Catholic priest, a Swiss theologian, and a prolific author. Since 1995 he has been President of the Foundation for a Global Ethic ( Stiftung Weltethos ). Küng remains a Catholic priest in… …   Wikipedia

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